Saturday, November 10, 2018

Nobody Knew You

"Nobody Knew You" 
by Jan Cosby

Nobody knew you
"Sorry about the miscarriage dear, but you couldn't have been very far along."
. . . existed.   

Nobody knew you
"It's not as though you lost an actual person."
. . . were real.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Baby's Cells Stay with Mom!

Did you know that some of a baby’s cells stay in their mother’s body for fifty years or more?  This is true even if the pregnancy was brief, for every conception makes its mark! I would think that other mothers who have lost a baby at any stage would, like me, find this to be comforting. During pregnancy, cells from the mother and baby cross the placenta. Our babies have some of our cells in them, and we have some of their cells in us. These fetal cells can become part of our blood, or they can become heart muscle cells, or even turn into brain neurons. Sometimes these cells may even heal damaged tissue within our body.

A woman went to a hospital with symptoms of hepatitis. She had had five pregnancies: one live birth, two miscarriages, and two abortions. After a biopsy on her liver, her medical team discovered hundreds of fetal cells. These cells had migrated to the diseased part of her liver and changed into healthy tissue, thereby repairing her liver! Further testing revealed that the cells were from a baby that had been aborted twenty years earlier.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Isaiah's Memorial Portrait


Today I received the digital copy of Isaiah’s memorial portrait, made by Ashlyn. I associate Isaiah with blue because his open blue eye was so striking. He looked awake and happy, so that’s how he
looks in the portrait. He’s wearing the hat that was made for him, and he has the blanket that was made for him too. I had wished in vain that I could dress him, so in the portrait he is wearing clothes.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

My Video: Pictures of 13-Week Baby Isaiah

I just made a memorial video and posted it to YouTube. I was recently inspired by Kari-Lynn Darrow, a very sweet person who makes videos about her regret for her abortion, to make a video too. I just want to share Isaiah with the world. I chose him for this video because he's the younger one. We are

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hi, I'm Micah and Isaiah's Mom

I have been wanting to share my babies in this manner for two years. I was finally inspired to finish this project by a baby named Walter. I've read about him three times now. Apparently Baby Walter is causing some people to rethink abortion and life in the womb! It is a gift to see babies born too soon. It brings truth to a subject surrounded by so much confusion.

But the project really began just as a desire to share the photos and stories. When I shared Micah's story solely with Lost Innocents, I received many views from mothers who were going through a similar thing. I have received some feedback from moms who were not able to see their babies lost at the same stage, who loved viewing the photos, because it shows what their own babies might have looked like.

At this time the purpose of this blog is simple: to share my babies Micah and Isaiah with whoever would like to see them. I'm interested in hearing thoughts and comments from any visitors.